“increased risk” due to fears people have about losing their jobs
State power and the capacity to decide
One in 10 people has waited more than a decade for psychological therapy
Royal Marine Battles Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Organises March for Honour
A GP summit addresses prescription medication addiction
The family of Louise Wright tell us how they were failed by mental health services
Has Australia gone too far in plans to test three-year-olds for mental health issues?
Interview discussion regarding the link between stroke and depression
Suffolk Mental ward ‘a disaster zone’, inquiry was told
Manufacturers of many herbal helps including the depression busting St Johns Wort, are under threat
I was moved to tears by Charlotte's latest blog on Friday and I promised her I would open up fully about what it's like to experience an "acute psychotic episode" -- the worst kind of nervous breakdown -- which happened to me 8...
27th June 2011
It’s not that commonly known outside psychiatry that medication designed to make you better from psychosis actually starts off by making you worse.  These are known as “paradoxical symptoms or side effects” and in my case the...
23rd July 2011
Lonestar - Amazed Suicidal and Paranoid Ideation I have touched upon my suicidal and paranoid thoughts in previous blogs, and a couple of weeks ago I had strong suicidal thoughts again and am still suffering mild ones this weekend and I wanted...
7th August 2011
I felt deeply sad when I read, in yesterday's Mail on Sunday, Gail Porter's interview about her experience of sectioning.   I knew she'd been in hospital -- Mental Healthy covered the story at the time - but it wasn't until...
15th August 2011
If you've just received the Mental Healthy newsletter and missed my regular blog entry within it -- I'll share a secret with you.   I'm in diazepam withdrawal ... AGAIN!    For 8 years now psychiatrists have been...
30th September 2011
OK, here goes... I have always loved to write, and have done so for many years. Not professionally, but for my own enjoyment. I suppose I found it therapeutic. Over an extended period of time, the writing stopped flowing. My mental health (...
12th November 2011
My youngest child celebrating his fourth birthday has put me in reflective mood. "Someone once said, motherhood is a series of losses". So said the Health Visitor who had stopped by to chat. It was early spring 2005 in London, ...
8th December 2011
'Twas broad daylight in Wintertime. The sun was shining.   There was snow on high ground still, and pretty it looked too. Christmas had been quite an ordeal that year -- I thought all the Santa-themed presents were sex toys and...
20th December 2011
I am a big advocate of talking therapies as a treatment for BPD. My experience of talking therapies began in London, with a counsellor and a course of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), aimed at bringing my OCD and anxiety back under control....
4th February 2012
The Crisis Team that wouldn't admit me or hospitalise me when compulsively suicidal ... The junior psychiatrist who asked me, in front of my mum, why I didn't want to kill myself or her ... The support worker who pulled out a knife on me and...
4th March 2012
During the course of my life, I have used the NHS a lot. From teenage to my early 20s in London, I received great care from hospitals and GPs alike for both chronic knee and stomach problems. In my mid-20s in London, I had my first child. With the...
14th March 2012
I have always known I am a little different to other people.    I am a little awkward socially -- I have some close friends but not a wide circle outside of the mental health field.     I have immense problems...
7th April 2012
Childhood early warning signs of mild paranoia I first suffered from very mild paranoia when I was at primary school - as a class we watched a children's TV sci-fi  drama in which, towards the end, a character pointed a device with a...
21st May 2012
Those that have read my blog before will know that I have BPD, and struggle with emotional dysregulation. When I experience an emotion, it is extreme. So when historic, national events occur, I’m a sitting duck. Yes, I’m completely...
7th August 2012
The difficulty of getting a physical health diagnosis with a mental health history From the emails which I have received from site visitors, I know that some of you will have noticed that my news reports have been infrequent recently.  This...
11th August 2012
In the early days of my treatment, when I was newly diagnosed and having weekly visits from a Community Psychiatric Nurse, she asked my husband to attend a couple of our sessions. This was invaluable for all involved. As experienced as my husband...
28th December 2012
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