Grandmother obsessed with music downloads escapes jail
Collecting and hoarding are two very different things - hoarding can have distressing consequences.
OcD is better treated in children and teens when you add CBT into the treatment mix according to new research
Many top athletes perform rituals prior to competing - when does normal ritualistic behaviour become a problem?
Hoarders require more psychiatric assistance, was the conclusion made by health experts and communities housing group Orbit
Doctor Jeff Szymanski has launched his new book which looks at the negative effects of perfectionism on mental health
Kit Johnsonn has suffered from Bi Polar for 45 years now and yields to no man in his decision to deal with it through humour
Study shows that phobics see the object of their dread as being larger than it really is
Researchers are working on an alternative, reliable treatment for people who suffer from OCD
Hello! It is a fine and beautiful day here on the south coast (at least the glare from the window hitting the computer screen tells me as such). This is my first blog post, and a very strange feeling it is too. I am a writer (obviously) and have...
25th May 2011
Thriving with OCD + emetophobia OK so some of you will have read my top tip in issue three of Uncovered Magazine, but most of you will not, so I want to share my point once more. As you can see from my profile, my favourite quote is: "...
30th May 2011
So I had the fantastic opportunity to have lunch with Duncan Bannatyne last week. He is, as Uncovered readers will know, someone I have admired for a long time, so I was somewhat excited at the prospect. After the wonderful article I wrote...
1st June 2011
I hope you dance. I am a heavy rock fan. The darker and more powerful the better - a band without chains and leather is usually a band I've never heard of. So this video choice may surprise you, but stay with me on this.... Back...
23rd June 2011
OK, here goes... I have always loved to write, and have done so for many years. Not professionally, but for my own enjoyment. I suppose I found it therapeutic. Over an extended period of time, the writing stopped flowing. My mental health (...
12th November 2011
I am in the grip of anxiety. It's my own fault. The trouble with this Borderline stuff is that I can always be relied upon to come up with the biggest, most grandiose solution to a problem. And then I'll loathe myself for it. Putting my...
22nd November 2011
The apparent suicide of a public figure, while incredibly sad, brings mental health stigma into sharp focus. The media exploded with speculation and debate about mental health issues and suicide at the weekend. The immediate, emotional reactions to...
28th November 2011
My youngest child celebrating his fourth birthday has put me in reflective mood. "Someone once said, motherhood is a series of losses". So said the Health Visitor who had stopped by to chat. It was early spring 2005 in London, ...
8th December 2011
I am from Eltham in South East London. You may have heard of it - it's been in the news lately. I feel the urge to write about it, because it has prompted reflection on my first awareness of my OCD and Emotional Dysregulation, at...
3rd January 2012
I loathe the school run. First, it is my responsibility to make sure my children have with them everything they need for the day. In true, BPD, dichotomous fashion, I simultaneously dread and need this responsibility. If I get it wrong, my child...
30th January 2012
I am a big advocate of talking therapies as a treatment for BPD. My experience of talking therapies began in London, with a counsellor and a course of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), aimed at bringing my OCD and anxiety back under control....
4th February 2012
It is human nature to try to identify with people in order to bring them, and ourselves, comfort. Walk into any child health clinic on baby weigh-in day, and you will overhear countless groups of women comparing birth stories. They are not trying...
19th February 2012
Dear BPD, I hate you. You sneak around in the background, lurking in the shadows. Then you rush out at me, screaming, and make so much noise I just can’t think. You wear so many different masks and disguises, I never know what to look...
24th February 2012
So, there I was, feeling all confident in my understanding of my illness and experience – damping down my symptoms as and when they flared up, like some kind of BPD ninja. Then came a bad news phone-call. I’ve received a number of these...
7th May 2012
What is recovery? At different points in my journey 'recovery' has meant something different.  At my worst, recovery to me meant being able to sleep for more than an hour at a time. To go a day without a panic attack. To feel alive...
18th May 2012
Why do I refer to myself as someone that has Borderline Personality Disorder? Well, because it is a fact. Not everybody approves of my choice, however. For me now, it is no different than my Mother stating that she suffers from arthritis, or my...
19th May 2012
Childhood early warning signs of mild paranoia I first suffered from very mild paranoia when I was at primary school - as a class we watched a children's TV sci-fi  drama in which, towards the end, a character pointed a device with a...
21st May 2012
The Early Years When I was 10 years old, Christmas time was magical. I had received so many gifts I just didn’t know what to do with them all. “Put your toys and books away then,” said my mother smiling at my excited expression...
24th May 2012
Ruby Wax and my Mad Confession For those of you who read my blogs you will know that I am Charlotte Fantelli, 28, the editor of Mental Healthy, the founder of Uncovered magazine, and have had my own personal struggle with anxiety disorders....
18th July 2012
Excuses, excuses. As an adult, I’ve always made excuses for why I’m just not getting it done. Firstly, I was busy starting a family. Then, I had babies at home. Then I was busy with Pre-school runs and charity work. Now, my youngest has...
24th September 2012
It's World Mental health Day, and today I want to say a BIG THANK YOU! To my fish I forgot to feed, to my neighbour I ignored, to my teacher I flipped the finger, to my mum who bound my scars... Thank you. To the man in the petrol station I...
10th October 2012
I am struggling to control my OCD this week. My rational mind immediately seeks to discover the cause of this flare-up, knowing that in doing so, the spiral can be slowed and switched back with the application of cognitive and dialectical behaviour...
31st October 2012
I recently had a conversation in which the other person observed that I rarely arrange impromptu activities. My response was: "Well, I’m not an impromptu person." Everyone is different, after all. This conversation stayed with...
4th March 2013
I advocate replacing birthdays with wisedays. Why the devil not? They do in some cultures, so why not here? I’m grumpy about the way getting older is frowned upon; making wrinkles even more firmly entrenched, by the brainwashing media....
5th March 2013
I am becoming frustrated with my understanding of my Borderline Personality Disorder. I am a huge advocate of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy as a means of learning about, and managing BPD on a daily basis. I have spent...
12th March 2013
It appears stating that people are in control of their own life and attitude is a most unpopular notion, but it is (in my humble opinion) not pointing fingers, rather empowering people to not be confined by excuses and take their lives into their...
14th September 2015
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