Grief is a term used for the emotional feelings of loss, usually following a bereavement. However it can refer to similar feelings we experience when someone moves away, or following a relationship breakdown.
Stages of grief
There is no right or wrong way to grieve. For each one of us, it is a very personal experience. However, commonly grief does follow a pattern, please see our stages of grief article to learn more about the stages we go through in the grieving process; however, in short the stages are:
- Stage 1: Shock, denial and numbness
- Stage 2: Anger
- Stage 3: Yearning
- Stage 4: Acceptance and integration
- Stage 5: Moving on
How long each stage takes and the pattern that follows will be different for all of us. It is very common during stages of grief to suffer anxiety and/or depression symptoms, medication may be prescribed short term and talking therapies/bereavement counselling may be offered. Usually these symptoms are short-term and do not indicate mental illness. If however feelings of helplessness, depression, anxiety are causing you difficulty, or you are unable to move on from these after a period of time, you really need to speak to your doctor.
Moving on
After a bereavement it is common not to even want to move on, your life will not be the same again, however this does not mean that you will not have a happy life again, and day by day, step by step, the process of grief and recovery can and will take you to a place of acceptance.
Here we share some stories and articles on grief to help inspire you and help you through the grieving process.
Please also see berevement counselling in your area. We can also recommend
Please see 'Saying Goodbye' for an intimate portrayal of the stages of grief.
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