
This section of the website is dedicated to mental health, emotional health or brain disorders that do not fall under anxiety, depression, personality disorders or addiction.

Of course this area is vast, but if you see our navigation above, you will be able to find features, guides and news on any of the following specialist areas

There is also a section entitled 'mental health' where you will find interesting articles and news features that do not neatly fit into a specific category, but that we believe may be of interest to our audience.

Please find below some guides and news you may find interesting.

Related Guides

How proposed cuts will affect disabled
Mental health is often used in reference to mental health problems when it should mean quite the opposite
Mental health strategy for England
Here we look at the effects of some popular herbs for anxiety
The Outlook for Diabetes Sufferers

Related News

Substance abuse, not mental illness, causes violent crime
It is official! working out, outside, can improve your mental health and wellbeing
Men who experience abuse at the hands of their female partners may suffer significant psychological distress
Service-user lead mental health business celebrates
We look at the link between obesity and mental health
Has Australia gone too far in plans to test three-year-olds for mental health issues?
Man accused of beheading had psychiactric treatment in the UK last year
Data shows that mental ill-health is now the primary cause of staff absence in the UK.
Psychiatrists prompted to create new type of mental disorder
More than 40 per cent of men will have suffered from erectile dysfunction by the time they are 40
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