Charity Launches New Online Course to Cut Rates of Stress and Anxiety in UK


Charity Launches New Online Course to Cut Rates of Stress and Anxiety in UK

By Mental Health Foundation

Interactive mindfulness programme is first of its kind in UK

The charity The Mental Health Foundation has once again broken new ground in tackling the growing issue of stress and anxiety in today’s society, by launching the UK’s first interactive online course in mindfulness.

The launch of the online course comes at a time when stress and anxiety issues are the focus of much attention, due to the impact of the recession and spending cuts. Incidences of stress and anxiety have been on the rise in the UK in recent years, affecting millions of people and resulting in the loss of over 11 million working days in the UK each year. Practicing the mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) techniques taught in the Mental Health Foundation’s online course has been clinically proven to help reduce stress, anxiety and sleeping disorders, whilst also improving mood-regulation and energy levels.

Dr Andrew McCulloch, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said: “There is a considerable body of clinical evidence demonstrating the potential benefits of mindfulness for those experiencing stress, anxiety, or related disorders like insomnia or mood-disturbance. However, our research has shown that many people do not have access to a mindfulness course in their area, while those who do may be put off by the cost or the difficulties of planning their diaries round a fixed course schedule. By working with expert practitioners to develop this online course, we have created an accessible, flexible and low-cost option for anyone interested in mindfulness, so that more people can take control of managing the impact of stress and anxiety on their daily lives”.

Research carried out by the Mental Health Foundation published earlier this year revealed that 81% of the UK public thought that the fast pace of modern life is a major cause of stress, unhappiness and illness in UK society, whilst 86% believe that people would be much happier and healthier if they knew how to slow down and live in the moment – one of the key elements of mindfulness. Furthermore, the research revealed that only 20% of GPs said there were mindfulness courses available in their area, even though 72% it would be advantageous for their patients to learn mindfulness skills.

The online course was developed with expert practitioners in mindfulness, and with support from Bupa. It is available at, and costs £40 for the full course.

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