New website with health profile for your local area

New website with health profile for your local area

By Liz Lockhart

A great new website has just been launched.  It shows a comprehensive view of the health and mental health profile of all areas of England.  The site is easy to use and very informative.

If your want to see, for example, how many people need hospital stays for self-harm or how many people needed hospital stays for alcohol related harm then this is where to look.  The site is packed with information about all aspects of health care in each local area.

The 2011 Local Health profiles are published by the Public Health Observatories in partnership with the Department of Health.  It provides statistics for each local area and indicates how any area is performing against the national average.

The Health Profiles give up-to-date information on all key health issues including childhood obesity, death from smoking and hospital stays for alcohol misuse.  All of this information is essential for the planning of local services for communities.

Anne Milton , the Public Health Minister said ‘Health Profiles give a picture of local people’s health for every area in England.  They act as indicators for how local areas need to plan services for residents in the community and where public health challenges lie.’

‘While some indicators show an improvement in an individual’s health outcomes and health needs, there is more we can do.’

‘Reducing health inequalities is a Government priority.  This means improving access to and outcomes from healthcare in disadvantaged groups as well as addressing the wider social causes of ill health and early death.’

‘Everyone should have the same opportunity to lead a healthy life.’

The chair of the LGA Health and Wellbeing Board, Councillor David Rogers said:

‘Good quality health information is essential if councils and health professionals are to tackle some of the serious health problems affecting our communities effectively.’

So if you want to see how your area is performing or if you want to check out the area of a family member who may have special health care needs then this is the site for you.

Here is the link to the site:

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