PTSD Compensation
If you have experienced Post Traumatic Stress as a result of an accident, military service or medical negligence, we can help you find the compensation you are entitled to. Please fill out the information below and our selected partner will contact you to dicuss your options for free and with no obligation.
Let us help you find the funds you need to help your recovery:

What is PTSD and have I got a claim?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychological disorder that, as the name suggests comes on after a traumatic event or events. It is categorised as a complex anxiety disorder and symptoms often manifest themselves as flashbacks, panic attacks, insomnia or nighmares. They can also be more general anxiety symptoms and the sufferer may find themselves withdrawing from things that they associate with the trauma, and more and more can become withdrawn and suffer more general anxiety and depression as a result.
Our partners can very quickly assess if you may have a claim. Some people with psychological stress and anxiety that is not diagnosed as PTSD may be entitled to make a claim if their symptoms started as a result of someone's negligence, accident, crime or other traumatic enducing event. PTSD in veterans may be compensatable, medical trauma, trauma suffered as a result of an accident, are all possible claims, but a quick chat with one of the experts will be able to give you a personalised answer. Please enter your details into the box above and a dedicated member of the NAH team will be in touch very soon.
MentalHealthy hope you get the compensation you deserve and wish you well on your road to recovery. We will not hold your name and address on our database, we will pass your details directly to our compensation claims handling company National Accident Helpline, we will not pass your details to any other third part or use for any other purposes.
For more about PTSD please see our resources below: