Therapeutic group for carers in Bristol

Therapeutic group for carers in Bristol

Press Release: The Harbour

A new therapeutic group for carers is offered by The Harbour, a Bristol-based charity offering professional counselling and psychotherapy to people affected by life threatening physical illness.  The new group is free of charge, available to anyone who looks after someone who is ill, and will meet on a Wednesdayonce a week, in central Bristol, starting in early 2012. 

Anyone interested in finding out more should visit or call 0117 925 9348.

Chief Executive Caroline Hukins explains “We see a great many carers for individual counselling at The Harbour, and common to almost all of them is a feeling of isolation. Therapy in a group context enables participants to realise they are not alone, and indeed that they can offer a great deal of support to others who are in a similar situation. This can be a great boost to self-esteem.  A group like this gives carers some time to focus on themselves; and to express what is happening for them”.

The Harbour, which was launched in 1991 by psychotherapist Jill Brown, helps patients with life threatening illnesses, and also carers and family members, and people bereaved as a result of illness. About 30 to 40 people a week are seen at The Harbour, usually for 16 weeks, although in some cases people can see a therapist for as long as two years.  

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